since 1999

ELEVENten at Mescalito(渋谷)

2018/11/10/sat23:00〜12:00?1st drink charge ¥1,000(tax + entrance fee incl.)
Sound :minimal 、deeep tech、 deeep house etc…
(japanese)dj EMOKENが約7年ぶりにMinimal music partyを主催し開催する。
自身、15年前のSoken Balance@新木場ageha時代からの音楽仲間、1年前の現場復帰で世話になったアーティストや新たに出会った音楽ジャンキーらと共に、deeepでhapppyな音体験を提供するparty、、、【 ELEVENten 】

(English)DJ EMOKEN hosts a minimal music party for the first time in 7 years!The party is titled “ELEVEN ten”, and volume #1 will feature the gang from “Soken Balance” at ageHa (Shinkiba, Tokyo) from around the year 2003, as well as artists, i.e. music junkies DJ EMOKEN recently encountered. We invite you to join us to enjoy the night with deep and fun music experience.
November 10th Saturday 2018, at Mescalito in Shibuya
You will be deeply affected by our minimal, but deep sound that’s full of Techno & House!See you all there!

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© 2025 SL9

テーマの著者 Anders Norén