by Ei Wada + Nicos Orchest-Lab
Dance – 高瀬 譜希子│Fukiko Takase
Barcoder – 和田 永│Ei Wada, 安宅 晃│Ataka Akira
CRT-TV Gamelan – 青山 真以子│Maiko Aoyama, 高橋 信泉│Sinsen Takahashi, 山本 颯之助│Sonosuke Yamamoto
Strobong – 山本 惣一│Soichi Yamamoto, 中 康輝│Koki Naka, 湯谷 啓明│Hiroaki Yutani
Composed by 和田 永│Ei Wada Arranged by Nicos Orchest-Lab Barcodress(ver.1)
designed by 入山 南│Minami Iriyama, Nicos Orchest-Lab Barcodress(ver.1)
created by Nicos Orchest-Lab
Instruments created by 和田 永│Ei Wada, 田中 秀樹│Hideki Tanaka, 鷲見 倫一│Rinichi Washimi, Nicos Orchest-Lab
Hair & Hair makeup for F.T by 田所 千佳│Chika Tadokoro
Video Director : 村尾 輝忠│Terutada Murao
Camera : 大矢 大介│Daisuke Oya, 梅田 航│Wataru Umeda, 小田 部│Ray Otabe
Produced by 清宮 陵一│Ryouichi Kiyomiya
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